Starter Template

To open the Easy Draw screen, all you need is three lines of code. It is that easy!

# Learn how to use Easy Draw!

import easy_draw           # Import the module to use it

easy_draw.load_canvas()    # Always start your program with this

# --- Your main program below here ---

# --- Your main program ends here ---

easy_draw.end()            # Always end your program with this

The following will open when you run the above program:

Features of the Easy Draw screen:

1. Grid on and off

To help learners visualize the coordinate system, a grid can be turned on and off.

2. Coordinates

To help learners position shapes on the drawing canvas, as you move your mouse around the canvas the bottom-right corner of the screen showcases the x, y coordinates of your mouse.

3. Color Picker

To help learners identify color values to use in their code, they can launch a color picker from the Easy Draw window.

Note: The color picker is native to the operating system and will look different on different systems.

4. Save the Canvas Drawing

You can save your drawing as a PNG file by clicking the "Save Canvas" button. Just be sure to provide the image with a file name. The image will save in your project's current working directory (most likely the same folder as your code).

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